According to a recent research, the china based instant messaging, mobile application WeChat (subsidiary of Tencent™) has more than 500 million users. The developers of WeChat recently introduced its new fitness tracking feature, called WeChat Sports, which incorporates into the app.
This app is available in the Hong Kong, US, Indonesia, India, Thailand, and China. However, this new feature is integrated only for Chinese users, but this will soon roll out around the globe.
The Auxiliary Power of WeChat
WeChat first reported its purpose to include health as well as as the fitness tracking in the next interstice update, in July 2014. Nevertheless, WeChat has also introduced an aesthetic extension called Gobeauty for its South African users, and they are likewise planning to launch more region-specific apps in the near future. The WeChat is not a “heedless” application, as they keep noticing what exactly the worldwide audience wants from them. They believe in eclecticism as they gingerly roll out updates to their active users; no matter if the extension is in beta stage, or a novelty version. The Company also launched an API for the developers to incorporate data into its app.
How To?
Clients can include Wechat Sports (novelty feature as well as the new extension), by selecting-in to the WeChat Sports account within the application. The application will have the capacity to draw information from diverse trackers, such as Nike+ FuelBand, Xiaomi Mi Band, or Fitbit. The application can likewise acquire activity data straight from the smartphone; however, the phone should have an auto-sense step count feature. This feature is currently integrated only with the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6+. A daily Leaderboard will likewise include.
New Fact
Its Extension, WePiao (for ticket booking) raises more than $105 millions. We can surely say that this record will not be easy to break for any other company. You can access this extension through its own WeChat to book online tickets. Apart from online tickets, you can likewise order drinks as well as the popcorn.
Bottom Line
WeChat has become one of the most scintillating apps which is extremely popular around the globe. Obviously, this app is popular due to its useful extensions as well as the update, and not to mention its user friendliness. They aim to expand their target reach and they are continuously focusing on potential integrations with various sectors. Obviously, WeChat has an inestimable influence on its active users.